Navigation systems:
If you use Google Maps you can look up Pian della Bandina and follow the given route until our door.
To use navigation systems, it is recommended to enter Vocabolo Fargneta as the street address. This is the beginning of the road we live on. Then follow the signs Pian della Bandina to the end of the road. This dirt road is 2.8 km long.
Do NOT type in Vocabolo Posasso 26. This is our official address, but you will end up somewhere else.
Our exact coordinates are: 42°57’02.6″N 12°02’52.7″E

Coming from Firenze:
From the A1 motorway, take the “Chiusi / Chianciano Terme” exit. From this exit follow the signs “Chiusi” and later “Città della Pieve”. When you have reached ​​Città della Pieve, follow the signs for Orvieto. You will then drive along the city walls around the center. You will be on the SR71 or SS71. Follow this road until kilometer sign 73, then turn left onto the dirt road to our complex. Now follow the signs Pian della Bandina to the end of the road. This dirt road is 2.8 km long.

Coming from Rome:
From the A1 motorway, take the exit “Fabro”. After the toll booths, turn left towards Fabro Scalo. At the roundabout, turn left and follow the signs Città della Pieve. Keep following this road. On the SR71 or SS71, turn right at hectometre marker 72.8 onto the dirt road. (Your navigation system will suggest a different route which is 1 minute faster but less comfortable). Then follow the signs Pian della Bandina to the end of the road. This dirt road is 2.8 km long.

Coming from Perugia:
From Perugia follow the SS220 towards Città della Pieve. At the end of this road is a strange T-junction where you turn left. Now you are on the SR71 or SS71. Follow this road until kilometer sign 73, then turn left onto the dirt road to our complex. Now follow the signs Pian della Bandina to the end of the road. This dirt road is 2.8 km long.